Points Novelty Breakfast

Points Novelty Breakfast, 2023 Medium: Instagram, Performance, Engagement, Participant SubmissionsDimensions: N/A
Points Novelty Breakfast is a chaotically-involved, Instagram-based game in which AI-indicative visual prompts are completed as quickly as possible via the will of human beings who’re inspired by the promise of “points.” This increasingly modern reversal of the human-bot relationship is then obtusely juxtaposed by the rouge and stream-of-consciousness nature of the Instagram page that the game exists on which frequently and nonsensically changes usernames and themes as a way to distract the larger, social-media algorithm from predicting the tastes, preferences and tendencies of the admin(s) behind the page. In an ever increasing state of surveillance enabled by the general, social-media algorithm, the page that Points Novelty Breakfast exists on engages with content in a way that achieves anonymity by over-engaging instead of under-engaging. By flooding Instagram with engagement non-sequiturs (i.e. following, liking and posting at random), a true cyberflâneur emerges who blurs the line between bot and human. The page’s recent Points Novelty Breakfast arc then subverts this “randomness” dogma by following what seems to be a ruleset but, when analyzed, reveals itself to be whimsical and dependent on human creativity. Through the medium of Instagram, Points Novelty Breakfast establishes itself as community-driven, blurring a new line between performance art and social media content.
Points Novelty Breakfast